Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Embodied Evolution

Embodied Evolution is a student design competition that investigates the fusion between fashion and human form. The contemporary design environment has been influenced simultaneously by the biology of human form and the synthetics of technological innovation. This competition calls for innovative ways for the body and clothing to interface as a single entity. Students will fabricate wearable armor, gear, or prosthetic prototypes that reconsider the body as part of, not separate from, the design environment in which we exist.

All SCAD student artists and designers are welcome to participate. Students may compete individually or in teams of up to three people. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. Entries may be fabricated by any means necessary, but must be wearable. 

 Embodied Evolution - Facebook

This competition was created by the LABnormal Student Group here at SCAD, and it is intended to be a yearly competition. I attended the exhibition, and the designs were so fascinating.

I was particularly captivated by the winners Henry J Cowdery and Samson Johnson with their project FACET.

You can check out more pictures of the exhibition at:

Embodied Evolution Competition | Flickr: Zelig Fok

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